Episode 67
The bells, the bells, does any of this ring any bells, oh it’s the alarm, for what?
ring, RingRRRRRRRRRRRing, Well it’s all going like…
Episode 66
Morning peoples, they got you looking at steeples, you will.
At some point if it hasn’t already this born scenario we see play out is going…
Episode 65
What ya saying you lot, How are you're wibbly wobbly bits doing, bet they’re a bit wobblier ooh er eh.
Let’s see, where the fuck were we,
Episode 64
You’re tough, you will be ok, I have total confidence in the herd immunity of you all to any sense of any type, incense or otherwise.
Episode 63
Hello you radioactive reasoning reactionaries, watcha been up to then, naughty aren't ya. I'm glad to say things are moving on lovely for us…
Episode 62
Top of the morning bottom feeders, hows the soup, GOOD?.
Well here we are fresh from the Victory in Europe.
Oh, no, that was 75 years ago.…
Episode 61
Morning mad mechanical monkeys, whassup.
Ya good,
You should be, things are going to calm.
Well here in the UK it is.
The reason is…
Episode 60
Morning Evenin' my revolving ringmates, sitting comfortably,
Some aren’t,
Let’s begin at the first for us, little big things,
How do you/we…
Episode 59
Hello my addled brained electronic addicts, how's you.
Oh dear, turns out we can cause all sorts of shite dunnit.
Gettin' the picture…
Episode 58
Morning fellow shut-ins, how you bearing up? Of course everyone said, yeah we are, ok. Aren't you good boys n girls. How do you like the…
Episode 57
Well, Well, Well,
I sure hope you're well, and stay that way.
What do you think, I know now all are actually thinking for the first time.…
Episode 56
Hello onlookers of never never land, how's ya fantasy falling?
Hope you had a good new year if that's what you do.
We had a nice break, as…
Episode 55
We are going to abandon the gameshow of how everyone must think from now on, it isn’t worth the braintime, in fact that’s what it’s for eh.…
Episode 54
Hello brainfartians isn't it smelly at the mo.
Did you feel the hiccup, easily explained.
The coin flipped over, the reverse is happening.…
Episode 53
Morning madcap theory maestros, staying with the game, gooood.
Because it's all getting a bit random, people, I use the term lightly, are…
Episode 52
Alright tinkers in the twilight, while sparkling did you look up,
We are being observed, swerved and of course as a result unnerved.
Episode 51
Hello my free range friends, found the fence yet?
Some have, the algorithm watches with its cameras hovering over them inconspicuously, that…
Episode 50
Mornin mathematical interlopers, hope you all still add up to what you thought you did, do.
I don’t.
I’m a complete fuck up.
I have no…
Episode 49
Yeah it was them, over there they did it, come on.
Do you really believe that’s the problem, I don’t give a fuck who you are, if you are…
Episode 48
Hello fellow secret thinkers,
Are your thoughts secret, don't you think the tech exists to read your thoughts?
Well it does, what's more it…
Episode 47
Let me ask you some questions. How did you first get here, have a good think, then do it again.Try and find the very first contact.
If you…
Episode 46
Ooh la la, what a palaver eh!
In out shake it all about,
Core politiclers, what they like .
Here some ding ding fun, they like symbols,…
Episode 45
Circular souls, how are you all, still waving t-shirts and wearing flags.
All in a world where long division doesn‘t mean boring math to…
Episode 44
The monitor lizard waits and waits,
Or runs at you like a banshee.
We like looking at and listening to monitors.
A speaker with its own…
Episode 43
Hello angels, that wanna be demons, or is it the other way around?
I can never remember who I’m actually addressing.
So many angles with all…
Episode 42
I love an argument.
There is always the slim chance someone will surprise me, with a new snide angle, to weasel with at worst or at best, a…
Episode 41
Happy Hadron day,Is that a holiday? Oh no, not yet. Still nice to see we have collided again, you should stop coming, it’s not good to…
Episode 40
Morning electronic window wankers, what’s app?
The pervy engine in disguise.
Yes ladies, if your hubby has whatsapp you better check…
Episode 39
Oooh Sunday morning in the sunshine, sitting there eating croissants and
coffee, lime jelly...nice,
I laugh, if some of my old mates could…
Episode 38
Here’s a look into another world you know nothing of...
Or maybe you do, if so, why haven't you phoned me, you don't want to not phone me…
Episode 37
Afternoon numptys.
What day is it?
It’s ‘everything is great in London’ day, no need to worry...
No need to look!
Let’s hypothesise shall…
Episode 36
You see, there is something happening that many would love to take credit
for. Some are in fact daily doing so, on their YouBullshit.
Episode 35
Ok kiddiewinkles, it’s hotting up in the green and pleasant land.
I have a nice little story about the thin blue line.
It’s more a fat…
Episode 34
Now we are all wearing our masks,
We can begin, you see the best way to camouflage an effect is to swamp it with fool’s gold.
The best way…
Episode 33
Some like being controlled, they like being controlled because control means safety, being genetically incapable of courage this is a…
Episode 32
Should I stay or should I go now?
If you could be given a chance to make a one-way decision.
What would you do?
Let’s say one day you were…
Episode 31
Perhaps I should go back to the first thing I said, evolution and its hijacking, whether you believe it’s nature and therefore…
Episode 30
Good morning, or good evening, depending.
Hope your all good,
Now let’s say one thing straight off.
The net neutrality thing...
Is a…
Episode 29: Children
Howdy new colonial campers
Oh dear, the hackers have been naughty again.
Gone and done all sorts to our intrawebs...
Shown the flaws in…
Episode 28
Morning mum, morning dad, I’m off to BillGatesGooogleSchool, see ya later,
Ok, love you,
Sorry does not compute.
Learning, what…
Episode 27
Now we all know everyone is watching the birdies,
We also know no ones watchin us...
Well, apart from the Feds and so on,
I don’t care…
Episode 26
Tick, tock, goes the primordial clock.
Well it clicks,
Is it a clock?
Or more like a Geiger counter, it ticks.
Would you say, ominously?…
Episode 25
And on to another section of what no other fucker talks about until they read here and go back to their site then set about in solitude…
Episode 24
So linking things together is great! More, more, more...
Big Al springs to mind (for those of you who still don’t know who big Al is it’s at…
Episode 23
And now Miss Dismay has panicked, nah, she has not panicked at all.
She is securing a vote before she can’t,
Her and Trumpy are going to…
Episode 22
Hello out there can you hear me or are your ears still ringing?
How's ya nerves? Jangling a bit, don't worry, it will all be alright on the…
Episode 21
Morning new media mangled muppets,
How you going?
Well so much is going on
But the gurus still flounder.
Wonder why, cos there…
Episode 20
Hello bods.
How are you doing today?
It’s very handy we have this place off the beaten track.
In plain sight, so no skulduggery.
Episode 19
What form of life are we?
Well it doesn't matter does it?
Or does it?
Spose, the best thing to do is figure out what form of…
Episode 18
Hope you’re in good spirits, or pissed, stoned etc.
Gotta be these days just to get on the train to the inane brain drain… ain't ya...…
Episode 17
Sunday, Sunday, the beginning of the week for the lost looking for salvation.
How’s that going, getting better, or worse or nearer, richer,…
Episode 16
Morning social Suicide squad...
Talking of cheery things, all the algobots are beside themselves with glee.
You see there’s a bit of…
Episode 15
Good Day greenback lovers.
How’s your house price rising?
How’s your pound normalising?
You understand, currency hasn't dropped, it’s…
Episode 14
When humans were human, not correct just surviving on an even pegging with the wildlife that was left, they had to hunt some quite…
Episode 13
How about staying with cash?
Also as we are going back in time, what with a new pair of iron knickers at number ten and an even bigger…
Episode 12
I would ask if you are well, but of course you’re not.
How could you be?
I suppose you have found yourself staring into the space in…
Episode 11
Payday yay!
Nope, for some the letter box is a gaping chasm of woe.
For most it’s a combination of yay-woe.
At least three four days of…
Episode 10
We were going to one way discuss the subject of secrets...
Seems pretty simple,
So what’s a secret ?
Something you know and others…
Episode 9
The threshold,
I do hope you're all well and have your seats for the ensuing fun n games...
We don’t need bread, I make my own....a man…
Episode 8
If you’re in a good seat, not a cheap one...
If you’re a controller, with a pen... A wish...
You want a confused and full population,…
Episode 7
We hear of all sorts of energy don't we,like atomic, erm, spiritual, an, cosmic.
Prayer energy, worship, celebrity, fans, adulation,…
Episode 6
Financial Hunter Killer Algorithms.
Pieces of software , which track theirtarget and cause weather fluctuations in the financial climate ,…
Episode 5
Kids love christmas don’t they, they get soooo excited.
Parents get excited, at the kids getting excited, presents, giving and receiving.…
Episode 4
I haven't really paid much attention to the current standpoint on whether vulnerable people or younger adults are influenced by " multimedia…
Episode 3
Independent thinking.....
That’s not thinking with the flow.....disconnecting the hundred monkeys...
That’s a good thing? , Depends on the…
Episode 2
War what’s it great for
...the tool of the men with rods and eyes in hand , the president , the prime minister , the bishop , the caliphate…
Episode 1
Hang on to your fantasy pants.... it's five years of fun and games at the boys in long trousers expense.
I'm rather dim as you all know...…