Episode 67
The bells, the bells, does any of this ring any bells, oh it’s the alarm, for what?
ring, RingRRRRRRRRRRRing, Well it’s all going like clockworck…
Episode 66
Morning peoples, they got you looking at steeples, you will.
At some point if it hasn’t already this born scenario we see play out is going to put a…
Episode 65
What ya saying you lot, How are you're wibbly wobbly bits doing, bet they’re a bit wobblier ooh er eh.
Let’s see, where the fuck were we,
I can’t…
Episode 64
You’re tough, you will be ok, I have total confidence in the herd immunity of you all to any sense of any type, incense or otherwise.
Well not All of…
Episode 63
Hello you radioactive reasoning reactionaries, watcha been up to then, naughty aren't ya. I'm glad to say things are moving on lovely for us all, we…
Episode 62
Top of the morning bottom feeders, hows the soup, GOOD?.
Well here we are fresh from the Victory in Europe.
Oh, no, that was 75 years ago. I'm…